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Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: General purpose acid digestion vessel for dissolving inorganic samples, digesting organic material and to perform hydrothermal synthesis.

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: Gelatin capsule size 00, 0.9 mL, bottle of 100.

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (53873-009)
Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: This hand-operated, cam and lever-type press is recommended for preparing powdered coal, benzoic acid and other materials into tablet form for use in oxygen-bomb calorimeter tests

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: Designed to be easy to handle, easy to maintain and safe for determination of heats of combustion in environmental, energy and nutrition research

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (19420-164)
Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: The 4748 vessel is a large capacity acid digestion vessel for dissolving inorganic samples, digesting organic material and performing hydrothermal synthesis.

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: 250 mL reaction bottle.

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (19790-000)
Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: Materials to be treated in a Parr hydrogenator are sealed in a reaction bottle with a catalyst and connected to a hydrogen reservoir. Air is removed either by evacuating the bottle or by flushing with hydrogen. Pressure is then applied from the reservoir and the bottle is shaken vigorously to initiate the reaction. The bottle can be heated or cooled during this process, if necessary. After the reaction reaches the desired point, the shaker is stopped, the bottle vented and the product and catalyst are recovered.

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: This new line of fluoropolymer resin-lined vessels designed for microwave heating offers all of the advantages of rapid sample preparation provided by Parr general purpose acid digestion bomb.

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: Reliable calorimeter recommended for occasional and intermittent users (10-12 tests/day)

Small Business Enterprise CSA Certified

Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: This is a 45 mL modification of the 23 mL, model 4749 PTFE lined vessel for users who want additional capacity in this popular model

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (89029-764)
Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: A torque wrench should be used to tighten the compression bolts on vessels equipped with a flexible graphite gasket. Since used on various Parr high pressure vessels, the user must be sure that the torque wrench is fitted with an adapter which matches the bolts on which it will be used.

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: Accessory spare parts kit for Plain Oxygen Calorimeters (19420-035, -035).

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (19472-088)
Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: 23mL. Replacement cup and cover for General-Purpose Acid Digestion Bomb models 4745, 4746 and 4747.

Small Business Enterprise

Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: This high pressure acid digestion vessel with a 23 ml, PTFE cup and cover in a strong outer body is either made of stainless steel or nickel.

Small Business Enterprise

Catalog Number: (19420-170)
Supplier: Parr Instrument

Catalog Number: (89029-740)
Supplier: Parr Instrument
Description: O RING EP 3/8ID X 1/16 PK12

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