You Searched For: Raspatories

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Catalog Number: (10196-592)
Supplier: Sklar
Description: This is designed for contouring bone in nasal reconstructive procedures and made of stainless steel.

Catalog Number: (10196-566)
Supplier: Sklar
Description: Stainless steel instrument with smooth surface and hollow handle with vertical grooves.

Supplier: Sklar
Description: Farabeuf Raspatories are constructed of stainless steel

Catalog Number: (10196-586)
Supplier: Sklar
Description: Fomon raspatory with four surfaces and file is designed for precise bone contouring in nasal reconstruction.

Catalog Number: (10196-596)
Supplier: Sklar
Description: Joseph Raspatory is a debulking instrument used in ENT procedures and to smooth and debulk other small bones or joints.

Catalog Number: (10197-600)
Supplier: Sklar
Description: Stainless steel.

Supplier: Sklar
Description: Lewis Nasal Rasps are industry standard.

Catalog Number: (10184-786)
Supplier: Sklar
Description: Bone Rasp is constructed of stainless steel and with industry standard.

Catalog Number: (10197-602)
Supplier: Sklar
Description: Sklar's® Alexander Raspatory, also known as the Alexander-Farabeuf Pediatric Raspatory, is commonly used for scraping periosteum, cartilage, and tissue from bone.

Catalog Number: (10196-590)
Supplier: Sklar
Description: The Putti Bone Raspatory is a double-ended orthopedic instrument used for debriding and smoothing edges of bone.

Catalog Number: (10196-600)
Supplier: Sklar
Description: This is a debulking instrument used for filing rough bone edges in head and neck procedures.

Supplier: Sklar
Description: Sklar's® Doyen Raspatory has a spiraled hook shape to scrape individual ribs. The handle has a hollow grip for better control.

Catalog Number: (10196-598)
Supplier: Sklar
Description: Aufricht Glabellar Raspatory is a debulking instrument used for filing rough bone edges in head and neck procedures.

Catalog Number: (10196-594)
Supplier: Sklar
Description: The Cottle Raspatory is constructed of stainless steel and Industry standard.

Supplier: Sklar
Description: This nasal rapatory is for contouring bone including the bony nasal hump.

Catalog Number: (10195-218)
Supplier: Sklar
Description: Sklar's® Alexander Pediatric Raspatory, also known as the Alexander-Farabeuf Pediatric Raspatory, is commonly used for scraping periosteum, cartilage, and tissue from bone.

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