You Searched For: RNAi

RNA interference is a natural process that cells use to silence unwanted or harmful genes, particularly if the cell is threatened or damaged by invading viruses. Controls and inhibitors are available for siRNAs and miRNAs. These controls are specially designed to be used as positive, negative, or transfection influencers for validation of gene-silencing experiments. Certain control siRNAs are fluorescently labeled for the best monitoring transfection efficiency.

RNA interference is a natural process that cells use to silence unwanted or harmful genes, particularly if the cell is threatened or damaged by invading viruses. Controls and inhibitors are available for siRNAs and miRNAs. These controls are specially designed to be used as positive, negative, or transfection influencers for validation of gene-silencing experiments. Certain control siRNAs are fluorescently labeled for the best monitoring transfection efficiency.

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Description: Universal miRNA Reference Kit, an ideal reference control for miRNA microarray or miRNA-targeted QRTPCR experiments, Contains extensive range of miRNAs for genome-wide detection, Carefully screened for contaminating genomic DNA, size: 10 ug
Catalog Number: CA97066-550

Description: Universal mouse Reference RNA, Comprised of 10 cell lines for human, 11 for mouse and 14 for rat giving broad gene coverage, acts as a consistent control for standard data set comparisons, size: 2x200 ug
Catalog Number: CAST740100

Description: Universal Human Reference RNA, Comprised of 10 cell lines for human, 11 for mouse and 14 for rat giving broad gene coverage, UHRR selected as one of the two standards in the FDA led Microarray Quality Control (MAQC) project, size: 2x200 ug
Catalog Number: CAST740000

Description: Universal rat Reference RNA, Comprised of 10 cell lines for human, 11 for mouse and 14 for rat giving broad gene coverage, acts as a consistent control for standard data set comparisons, size: 2x200 ug
Catalog Number: CA95040-672

Catalog Number: 76748-628
Supplier: Thermo Scientific

Description: 10 nmole, HPLC purifiedl. siRNA available for human, mouse and rat. search our extensive siRNA library by gene id, symbol, synonyms, description, or accession number.
Catalog Number: 97060-652
Supplier: Bioneer

Description: 20 nmole, HPLC purifiedl. siRNA available for human, mouse and rat. search our extensive siRNA library by gene id, symbol, synonyms, description, or accession number.
Catalog Number: 97060-654
Supplier: Bioneer

Description: 5 nmole, bio-rp purifiedl. siRNA available for human, mouse and rat. search our extensive siRNA library by gene id, symbol, synonyms, description, or accession number.
Catalog Number: 97060-638
Supplier: Bioneer

Description: 10 nmole, bio-rp purifiedl. siRNA available for human, mouse and rat. search our extensive siRNA library by gene id, symbol, synonyms, description, or accession number.
Catalog Number: 97060-640
Supplier: Bioneer

Description: 50 nmole, bio-rp purifiedl. siRNA available for human, mouse and rat. search our extensive siRNA library by gene id, symbol, synonyms, description, or accession number.
Catalog Number: 97060-644
Supplier: Bioneer

Description: 100 nmole, HPLC purifiedl. siRNA available for human, mouse and rat. search our extensive siRNA library by gene id, symbol, synonyms, description, or accession number.
Catalog Number: 97060-658
Supplier: Bioneer

Description: 100 nmole, bio-rp purifiedl. siRNA available for human, mouse and rat. search our extensive siRNA library by gene id, symbol, synonyms, description, or accession number.
Catalog Number: 97060-646
Supplier: Bioneer

Description: 5 nmole, HPLC purifiedl. siRNA available for human, mouse and rat. search our extensive siRNA library by gene id, symbol, synonyms, description, or accession number.
Catalog Number: 97060-650
Supplier: Bioneer

Description: 50 nmole, HPLC purifiedl. siRNA available for human, mouse and rat. search our extensive siRNA library by gene id, symbol, synonyms, description, or accession number.
Catalog Number: 97060-656
Supplier: Bioneer

Description: 20 nmole, bio-rp purifiedl. siRNA available for human, mouse and rat. search our extensive siRNA library by gene id, symbol, synonyms, description, or accession number.
Catalog Number: 97060-642
Supplier: Bioneer

Description: siRNA positive control at 5 nmole + negative control at 2 nmole for Luciferase, HPLC purified.
Catalog Number: 95030-588
Supplier: Bioneer

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