You Searched For: Capillary+Electrophoresis+Systems

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Catalog Number: (CA76469-804)
Supplier: Cytiva
Description: AutoScreen 96-well plate is used for purification of sequencing samples reactions prior to analysis on capillary array electrophoresis (CAE) sequencers such as MegaBACE 1000 or ABI Prism sequencing instruments.


Description: Electrode assemblies to ensure that all applications can be run with highest performance.

Supplier: Avantor
Description: This inexpensive set of materials outfits your whole class for gel electrophoresis at a great price.

Supplier: Cytiva
Description: Whatman Puradisc micron syringe filters from Cytiva's offer a versatile solution for analytical sample preparation needs. They are a variety of options available to suit all labs needs, and are well-suited for routine syringe filtration of samples up to 100 ml for a range of applications, including high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and capillary electrophoresis (CE).
Supplier: IBI Scientific
Description: For use with HR2525 horizontal gel electrophoresis system 14229-210.

Supplier: Ahlstrom
Description: Ahlstrom Grade 237 is a high absorbency grade that is twice as thick as Grade 642 with similar particle retention.

Supplier: IBI Scientific
Description: For IBI QS710 Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis Unit (IB51000).

Catalog Number: (470015-288)
Supplier: Avantor
Description: Bundled for Convenience

Catalog Number: (97064-314)
Supplier: VWR
Description: Rapid Transfer Buffer is a simple, single component system for quick and efficient transfer of proteins from SDS-PAGE gels to membranes for Western blotting applications

Catalog Number: (27373-562)
Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: This agarose gel electrophoresis system is designed to provide flat, even banding patterns and consistent results with hassle-free gel casting

Supplier: IBI Scientific
Description: For the HR2025 Horizontal Gel Electrophoresis Unit IB56000. Includes a buffer chamber; safety cover and power cords; casting system and tray; leveling bubble; buffer recirculator port set; two 2.0mm thick, 20–tooth combs; and owner’s manual.

Catalog Number: (470348-568)
Description: Bandit™ is a safe and low-cost STEM activity kit students can use to build and run a working electrophoresis system.

Catalog Number: (490007-694)
Supplier: IBI Scientific
Description: All models include buffer chamber, safety cover, power cords, casting system with tray, two combs, leveling bubble, and manual.

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: Use comb with your exisitng U.V

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: For use with the Hippo* horizontal electrophoresis system.

Supplier: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Description: For the EasyCast* Horizontal Minigel Systems 27372-226 and -228, and Opossum* multiple gel electrophoresis system 27373-554.

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