CytoFLEX Mosaic Detection Modules

Supplier: Beckman Coulter
D20163 D20164 D20165 D20166 D19581 D19582 D19583 D19584 D19585 D19586 D19589 D20160 D20161 D20162
CA77886-984EA 2551113.14 CAD
CA77886-984 CA77886-986 CA77886-988 CA77886-990 CA77886-964 CA77886-966 CA77886-968 CA77886-970 CA77886-972 CA77886-974 CA77886-976 CA77886-978 CA77886-980 CA77886-982
CytoFLEX Mosaic Detection Modules
Cell Counters and Flow Cytometers Flow Cytometers

The CytoFLEX Mosaic Detection Module is the natural evolution of the CytoFLEX platform. A smart approach to spectral analysis, the detection module connects to the CytoFLEX LX/S flow cytometer, providing the flexibility to mix and match different detection methods in one instrument.

  • A flexible approach to spectral flow cytometry

With up to 88 detection channels, the CytoFLEX Mosaic Detection Module enhances the CytoFLEX S or LX flow cytometer, empowering users to tackle the most complex experiments. Together, they create the most advanced and powerful CytoFLEX flow cytometry solution to date.

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