Unisol C18 HPLC Columns, Bonna-Agela Technologies

Supplier: Agela Technologies
UO931002-0 UO930505-0 UO950503-0 UO930303-0 UO931502-0 UO931005-0 UO931505-0 UO951002-0 UO951502-0 UO950502-0
97023-734EA 3316.74 CAD
97023-734 97023-746 97023-732 97023-742 97022-862 97022-864 97022-886 97023-738 97022-876 97023-748
Unisol C18 HPLC Columns, Bonna-Agela Technologies
Chromatography Columns
A slightly polar, 100% water compatible and universal reversed phase column.

  • Metal Impurity: <30ppm
  • Pore Size: 100Å

The Unisol C18 HPLC Column is one of the most universal reversed phase columns available. It offers excellent inertness and efficiency for basic compounds, enhanced retention of hydrophilic compounds, and 100% aqueous compatibility with robust and reproducible performance. Columns feature a wide pH range (1.5 to 9.0), and also provide low bleed and high sensitivity for LC-MS.

The unique and universal C18 HPLC phase is manufactured by patented Unisol Technology. This packing demonstrated unprecedented separation performance for compounds with a wide range of properties from hydrophilic to hydrophobic, including polar, semi-polar, and non-polar compounds.
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