WHEATON® MicroLiter µLPlate® Component Kits, Inserts and Caps, Unassembled, DWK Life Sciences

Supplier: DWK Life Sciences
07-0020B1202 07-0070R-101 07-0020R-300 07-0070N-350 07-0075B-300 07-0075B-101 07-0021R1202 07-0075N1202 07-0045B1000 07-0075N-300 07-0045B-201 07-0070B-201 07-0045N-300 07-0020R1202 07-0075N-101 07-0075B-250 07-0075N1200 07-0021R-250 07-0045B2200 07-0075R-101 07-0075R1000 07-0021N2200 07-0070G-300 07-0020B-101 07-0075B-350 07-0020R1000 07-0070B-300 07-0045R-201 07-0070N-300 07-0021B-250 07-0075G-300 07-0070R-300 07-0070N-201 07-0070G1000 07-0075B2200 07-0020N-350 07-0045N1202 07-0075N-250 07-0075N1000 07-0070G-250 07-0075R1200 07-0021R2200 07-0021G1200 07-0021N-300 07-0045G-350 07-0045R1202 07-0020B2200 07-0021G-201 07-0070R-201 07-0070G1200 07-0075G-250 07-0045B-350 07-0045G-300 07-0020G-201 07-0045B1200 07-0045R2200 07-0075G1000 07-0020B1000 07-0070B1202 07-0045R-250 07-0075R-350 07-0021B-101 07-0075G1200 07-0045R-300 07-0075N-350 07-0045G-101 07-0021R1000 07-0021N-101 07-0070R-350 07-0070N1000 07-0021G-300 07-0075G-201 07-0021N-201 07-0021B2200 07-0045N-201 07-0021G2200 07-0020G-300 07-0021B-350 07-0021B-300 07-0021B1000 07-0045R1200 07-0020R-250 07-0070B1200 07-0070B-250 07-0075B-201 07-0020B-201 07-0070N-250 07-0070B-350 07-0020G2200 07-0020B-300 07-0075N2200 07-0070B1000 07-0045G1200 07-0020G-101 07-0045N1200 07-0020N1000 07-0045B-300 07-0045R-350 07-0021B1202 07-0045B-250 07-0021R-101 07-0020N-300 07-0045G-201 07-0021R-300 07-0045G1000 07-0020G1200 07-0075R2200 07-0020N1202 07-0045G2200 07-0070R1000 07-0020R2200 07-0075G1202 07-0020N1200 07-0020R-101 07-0075B1000 07-0070G-201 07-0020G1000 07-0021N1000 07-0020G-350 07-0075R-201 07-0021N-250 07-0070N-101 07-0070N1200 07-0075B1202 07-0075R-300 07-0020G1202 07-0070R1200 07-0070N1202 07-0021R-201 07-0045B201S 07-0070B2200 07-0020B-250 07-0020R-350 07-0020N-250 07-0021G1202 07-0021G-101 07-0070N2200 07-0020B1200 07-0021G-250 07-0021N-350 07-0020N2200 07-0020N-101 07-0075N-201 07-0075G-350 07-0045N-101 07-0020B-350 07-0045N-250 07-0070G-101 07-0045G1202 07-0075G2200 07-0070B-101 07-0021R1200 07-0021N1200 07-0045R1000 07-0021G-350 07-0021B1200 07-0020R1200 07-0045N2200 07-0020N-201 07-0045N1000 07-0070G1202 07-0045G-250 07-0070G2200 07-0045B-101 07-0045R-101 07-0070G-350 07-0045N-350 07-0021N1202 07-0075G-101 07-0021R-350 07-0075R-250 07-0045B1202 07-0020G-250 07-0070R1202 07-0020R-201 07-0021G1000 07-0075R1202 07-0070R-250 07-0021B-201
97044-584PK 227.5 CAD
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WHEATON® MicroLiter µLPlate® Component Kits, Inserts and Caps, Unassembled, DWK Life Sciences
Microplates Deep Well Microplates
MicroLiter µLPlate® components include a proprietary product line of 96-well round and square well microplates with glass inserts and color-coded caps.

  • Variety of volumes available
  • Standard chromatography closures
  • Caps with septa
  • Silicone mats are resealable

A comprehensive line of 96-Well microplates for chromatography, the Plate Sampling System™ uses closures familiar to those who work with standard chromatography vials

Polypropylene μLPlates® have a variety of closures that will stabilize the sample during the analytical sample run and, if necessary, reseal after the sample has been injected. Users may also choose the security of a stopper coupled with the strength of a mechanical closure system. The mechanical closure system allows even GC samples to be converted to 96-Well format, by sealing the limited volume insert on the inside surface of the insert and compressing the PTFE/Silicone rubber using a mechanical seal. A variety of insert options allows users to choose the specifications appropriate for any application.

The system combines microplates, glass inserts, μLmats™, and caps with chromatography-based septa to offer secure vessels to maintain even the most volatile samples.
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