Ward's® Wild Type Fruit Fly (Drosophila melanogaster)

Supplier: Ward's Science
470176-760EA 17.3 CAD
470176-760 470180-408 470180-410 470180-442
Ward's® Wild Type Fruit Fly (Drosophila melanogaster)
Specimens Live Specimens Animals - Living Material
Drosophila melanogaster, the common fruit fly, is widely used in genetic studies because they express a number of mutations such as eye, wing, and body mutations.

  • Great for studying sex-linked, recessive, and dominant mutations
  • Easy to maintain, with short generation times
  • Excellent live food for large insects such as praying mantises, as well as small reptiles, and amphibians

Drosophila demonstrates complete metamorphosis with egg, larva, pupa, and adult stages in its life cycle.

Delivery information: These products contain living or perishable materials and must ship via overnight or 2-day transit. Please specify a delivery date at checkout. Wild type exhibit normal genetic characteristics (red eyes and normal wing size). Allow cultures to come to room temperature before checking under low magnification for eggs and live larvae.

Packaging: Cultures are shipped with Drosophila medium in a shatterproof vial. The pupae will usually appear within ten days of the ship date.
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