Dehydrated Media


CD149A CD228A LD145B LD145A CD351A LD184A CD146A LD100A
470113-052EA 110.8 CAD
470113-052 470113-060 470113-142 470113-144 470113-150 470113-152 470113-156 470113-158
Dehydrated Media
Media for Microbiology Dehydrated Media for Microbiology

Dehydrated Media is suitable for almost all educational applications.

  • For Use with Plates, Slants, and Broth Media
  • Instructions Included
  • Sealed Bottle
  • Expiration Date on Bottle

It arrives in a sealed bottle with an expiration date and complete instructions for preparation. Once items have shipped, they have three or more years before expiration.

Agar and components are used for plates or slants. Assuming a 20 mL fill for a 100 x 15 mm petri dish, each 114 g bottle will fill at least 100 dishes; each 454 g bottle will fill at least 400. Broth media are used for tube cultures. Assuming a 12 mL fill for a 20 x 75 mm tube, each 114 g bottle will fill at least 1000 tubes; each 454 g bottle will fill at least 2000.

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