Adapter, pH Probe, Pilot Plant, Ace Glass Incorporated

Supplier: Ace Glass
5278-149 5278-48 5278-141 5278-40 5278-145 5278-44 5278-23 5278-14 5278-18
89084-378EA 649.52 CAD
89084-378 89084-380 89084-382 89084-384 89084-386 89084-388 89084-860 89084-862 89084-864
Adapter, pH Probe, Pilot Plant, Ace Glass Incorporated
Adapters Adapters, Conical Ground Joints
This pH probe adapter has a 25mm O.D., with a #15 Ace-Thred at one end and the other end an open tube.

  • Ace-Thred at one end
  • Open tube at other end
  • Fabricated from borosilicate glass

To use adapter, insert a 1/2-inch probe in the open end down to and through the Ace-Thred, leaving enough exposed to secure with a bushing and o-ring to make a compression seal. The adapter tube is held in the flask's standard taper joint with an 89082-580 "Maxi" adapter, again with a compression seal, thus making the tube vertically adjustable.

Ordering information: Complete item consists of glass adapter tube, PTFE bushing with -110 FETFE o-ring (89059-238) or PTFE bushing with -110 Chemraz o-ring (89083-164), and 89082-580 "Maxi" adapter that consists of 89061-878 glassware with 89059-226 bushing. Components may all be ordered separately.
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