Rotary Vane and Hybrid Vacuum Pumps, Labconco®

Supplier: Labconco
1472100 1467700 7739400 7739401 7739402 7739403 7584000 7584002
26671-484EA 6659.7 CAD
26671-484 26671-486 26671-488 26671-490 26671-492 26671-494 97043-430 97043-434
Rotary Vane and Hybrid Vacuum Pumps, Labconco®
Pumps Vacuum Pumps
Rotary Vane Direct Drive and Hybrid Vacuum Pumps provide a reliable vacuum source for a variety of laboratory products including FreeZone Freeze Dry Systems, Protector and Precise Controlled Atmosphere Glove Boxes and CentriVap Centrifugal Concentrators.

Rotary Vane pumps are available with displacement capacities of 117 or 195 liters per minute (at 60 Hz)

These Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps provide 2 x 10-3 mBar ultimate vacuum and are designed for use with aqueous samples. Direct-drive, two-stage, oil-sealed, sliding-vane. They include an on/off switch, inlet and outlet ports, mode selector (High Vacuum and High Throughput), gas-ballast control (Closed, Low Flow and High Flow) and thermal overload device with automatic reset. They feature a single phase electric motor, totally enclosed and fan cooled. An isolation valve seals the inlet to prevent oil and air contamination of the system in the event of a power failure. Models with a displacement capacity of 117 liters feature a retractable lifting handle. Models with 195 displacement capacity feature a lifting bracket. Each pump includes (4) one liter bottles of vacuum pump oil, two inlet adapters (one 1/2" OD and one 3/4" OD), pump exhaust filter with oil filter and odor filter elements.

Hybrid Vacuum Pumps are combination rotary vane and diaphragm pumps. Low-maintenance and longer lasting, they are designed for use with acids and other harsh chemicals including TFA, TFA by-products, acetonitrile, HBe and HNO3 present in samples such as HPLC-prepared and peptide purified materials. Combination pump system consists of a two-stage rotary vane pump and two-stage, chemical-resistant diaphragm pump. The rotary vane pump provides the deep vacuum required for good freeze drying results and other evaporation needs. These pumps have the vacuum capabilities of a rotary vane pump and, in combination with the diaphragm pump, have improved solvent and acid handling capabilities. The diaphragm pump, made of PTFE and other chemical-resistant fluoropolymer components, removes the condensable vapors in the rotary vane pump before they can contaminate the oil, thus extending the life of the oil and ultimately the life of the pump. These pumps provide 2 x 10-3 mBar ultimate vacuum (partial pressure). A pressure control valve compensates for the different volumes displaced by the two pumps. 3/4" OD inlet adapter. Each pump includes (1) one liter bottle of vacuum pump oil, power switch, power cord and plug.

Hybrid pumps are available with a displacement capacity of 115 liters per minute (at 60 Hz).

Certifications: Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps are UL and CSA listed and CE marked. Hybrid Vacuum Pumps are CE marked.
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