Reversible Copper Stain™ Electrophoresis Gel Stain, G-Biosciences

Supplier: G-Biosciences

786-32CU 786-32DSCU
CA82021-402EA 930.18 CAD
CA82021-402 CA82021-404
Reversible Copper Stain™ Electrophoresis Gel Stain, G-Biosciences
Stains Electrophoresis Stains

G-Biosciences' Reversible Copper Stain™ is a single step stain for rapid detection of proteins resolved on SDS-PAGE

G-Biosciences' Reversible Copper Stain™ is based on the interaction of copper ions with polyacrylamide and proteins. It works by depositing a copper metal precipitate in the gel, resulting in an opaque blue/green gel, while the SDS coating on the proteins inhibits copper ions from binding to the proteins. A negative image of the gel is produced; consisting of clear protein bands visualized against a semi-opaque blue/green polyacrylamide background.

Protein bands are visualized in as little as 5 minutes. The sensitivity of the Reversible Copper Stain™ is 0.1-0.5ng BSA protein. Staining does not interfere with the electroelution of proteins or alter their biological properties. Gels stained with the Reversible Copper Stain™ can be destained in 20-25 minutes before the transfer or electroelution of proteins. The kit contains ready to use reagents for 25 mini gels and is supplied with a destainer.

No destaining is necessary. Reversible Copper Stain™ is suitable for the staining of protein gels prior to transfer or electroelution of proteins, but is not suitable for native gels or gels containing Tricine or Glycine.

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