Flammable Liquids Safety Storage Cabinets, Eagle Manufacturing

Supplier: Eagle Manufacturing
1932X 1962XBEI 1962X 1903X 1904X 1905X 1906X 1947X 1992X 9010X 1930X 1945X 1924X 1925X 3010X 4510X 6010X
56610-200EA 3307.76 CAD
56610-200 56610-214 56610-232 56610-245 56610-246 56610-247 56610-248 56610-254 56610-256 56610-258 56610-301 56610-356 56610-390 56610-395 56610-639 56610-643 56610-645
Flammable Liquids Safety Storage Cabinets, Eagle Manufacturing
Furniture Storage Cabinets
Storage cabinets constructed of 18-gauge steel with a caution yellow powder-coat finish with “FLAMMABLE–KEEP FIRE AWAY” in red lettering on the front.

  • Label is in three languages (English, Spanish, French)
  • The sides, top, bottom and doors are double-walled
  • 3.8 cm (1¹/₂") air space between walls

Cabinets with self-closing doors are equipped with a fusible link that automatically closes the door if the link melts due to fire.

Vents have 5 cm (2") pipe-thread fittings and are equipped with a fire baffle and cap. Cabinets are equipped with grounding attachments, three-point key lock on doors, 5 cm (2") raised, leakproof door sills, and four leveling feet. Each adjustable shelf is supported by four brackets.

Certifications: Conform to OSHA flammable liquid storage requirements and NFPA Code 30. Models with a capacity of 113.6 L (30 gal.) to 227.1 L (60 gal.) are FM approved.
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