PerfeCTa® SYBR® Green SuperMix Reaction Mixes, Quantabio

Supplier: Quantabio

95053-02K 95054-02K 95055-02K 95056-02K 95053-500 95054-500 95055-500 95056-500
CA101414-144EA 4945.1 CAD
CA101414-144 CA101414-152 CA101414-160 CA101414-168 CA101414-142 CA101414-150 CA101414-158 CA101414-166
PerfeCTa® SYBR® Green SuperMix Reaction Mixes, Quantabio
Nucleic Acid Reagents qPCR/RT-qPCR Enzymes and Kits

Unique buffer and stabilizers have been optimized exclusively for SYBR® Green I qPCR to deliver maximum PCR efficiency, sensitivity, and a robust fluorescent signal

  • 2X concentrated reagents minimize pipetting steps and improve accuracy
  • Ultrapure, antibody hot start AccuStart enzyme technology and anti-foaming formulation
  • Maximum dye concentration for robust optical signal with small amplicons (i.e. microRNAtemplated cDNA)

Kits are available for all real-time PCR instrument platforms including those requiring normalization with ROX™ reference dye. Platforms not requiring passive reference dye include Roche LightCycler® 400, Bio-Rad® iQ™, MyiQ™, iQ™5, Opticon®, and Chromo4™, Corbett Rotor-Gene®, Eppendorf® Mastercycler®, and Cepheid® SmartCycler®. Kits with Low ROX™ reference dye are for use with platforms including AB 7500 and Stratagene® Mx™. Kits with ROX™ reference dye are for use with platforms including AB 7000, 7300, 7700, 7900, and StepOne™.

All SuperMixes are available with or without uracil-N-glycosylase (UNG) for prevention of carry-over contamination from previous dU containing PCRs.

Highly specific amplification is crucial to successful qPCR with SYBR® Green I technology because this dye binds to and detects any dsDNA generated during amplification. A key component of this supermix is AccuStart™ Taq DNA polymerase with monoclonal antibodies that bind to the polymerase and keep it inactive prior to the initial PCR denaturation step. Upon heat activation (2 minutes at 95°C), the antibodies denature irreversibly, releasing fully active, unmodified Taq DNA polymerase. This enables specific and efficient primer extension with the convenience of room temperature reaction assembly.

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