CloneSaver Card, Qiagen

Supplier: Qiagen
WB120028 WB120028
14222-814PK 970.72 CAD
14222-814 CA14222-814
CloneSaver Card, Qiagen
Nucleic Acid Storage Systems
These 96-well format cards are designed for collecting, storing, and purifying BAC and plasmid DNA from bacterial clones

The cards use FTA® technology to instantly capture and stabilize DNA without the use of reagents, centrifuges, or other materials. Cards prevent cross-contamination and include a color-change indicator for tracking sample application. Fixed samples can be punched out, washed, and used directly in downstream applications such as PCR or transformation. Suitable samples include bacterial cultures, colonies, glycerol stock, or purified vector DNA. Vector DNA is then readyMore Product Information
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