This hand-operated, cam and lever-type press is recommended for preparing powdered coal, benzoic acid and other materials into tablet form for use in oxygen-bomb calorimeter tests
The 17.8cm (7") lever arm is attached to a 6.2cm (27/16") diameter steel cam that can be turned to give downward thrust to a ram carrying a 1.27cm (1/2") diameter punch in a removable die assembly. Up to 2000lbs. total force can be exerted on the punch. The die cavity is 1.27cm (1/2") dia. x 2.54cm (1") D and the maximum pellet size is 1.27cm (1/2") dia. x 1.27cm (1/2") thick. (Parr Instrument 2811)
Also suitable for pressing powdered material into briquette form.
Ordering information: Unit can be special ordered with stainless steel punch and die sets to form pellets smaller than 1/2" dia. For more information, contact your Avantor sales representative.