KONTES® Kuderna-Danish Concentrators, Graduated, Kimble Chase

Supplier: DWK Life Sciences (KIMBLE)
570035-0500 570025-0250 570025-0500 570035-0250
KT570035-0500EA 862.5 CAD
KT570035-0500 KT570025-0250 KT570025-0500 KT570035-0250
KONTES® Kuderna-Danish Concentrators, Graduated, Kimble Chase
Developed for the concentration of trace amounts of sample dissolved in organic solvents

Models with [ST] 14/20 joints are graduated from 0–1mL in 0.1mL divisions. Models with [ST] 19/22 joints are graduated from 0–1mL in 0.1mL divisions and from 2–10mL in 1mL divisions. Models with [ST] 24/25 joints are graduated from 0–1mL in 0.1mL divisions and from 2–25mL in 1mL divisions.

Caution: If solvent is allowed to escape, the entire assembly should be set up in a hood.

Useful in sample preparation before analysis with solvents such as petroleum ether or hexane. Concentrators have columns designed to speed evaporation with reduced hold-up.

Ordering information: All complete models include a three-chamber column, appropriate size flask, and concentrator tube. Complete models also include two 1.3cm (1/2") springs or one polyacetal clamp. Component parts are also available separately.
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