Shimadzu AOC Autosampler Syringes, SGE

Supplier: Trajan Scientific and Medical
000440 002897 001988 002902 000445 002898
60361-014EA 287.18 CAD
60361-014 60361-132 60362-186 60362-188 60362-622 60361-134
Shimadzu AOC Autosampler Syringes, SGE
Syringes Syringes for Chromatography
SGE autosampler syringes feature Diamond Syringe Technology

Color coded by volume for easy identification of installed syringes. Packaged in 100% recyclable materials.

Enhancements to SGE Diamond syringes result in improved solvent resistance, great temperature ranges,and increased operational smoothness. These improvements deliver longer syringe life and an improved cycle life of up to ten times that of a similar syringes. Syringes offer a new level of accuracy due to reduced carryover and no risk of adhesive contamination.

Certifications: RoHS compliant per Directive 2011/65/EU.

Ordering information: Syringes are available for all major GC instrument manufacturers and are available in a variety of configurations to meet almost any application need. Please refer to SGE CTC Autosampler Syringes for the AOC 5000. Contact your Avantor representative for more information.
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