Thin Film Aniline Point Apparatus, Koehler

Supplier: Koehler
K10190 K10191
37000-010EA 17255.97 CAD
37000-010 37000-012
Thin Film Aniline Point Apparatus, Koehler
Petroleum Testing Apparatus
Used to characterize pure hydrocarbons and to indicate the aromatic content of hydrocarbon mixtures according to Method B

Apparatus consists of a thin film tube, 400mL borosilicate glass beaker, cover assembly with bath stirrer, sample pump rotor and cooling coil, 6V lamp with line cord, and drive motor. A positive drive pulley system rotates sample and bath stirrers. Two thermometer ferrules and mounting hardware are included. Available Powertrol heaters provide variable stepless control and a reference dial for repeatable control of heating rate. They also provide a low voltage receptacle for the 6V lamp.

Unit stirs aniline sample mixture in a borosilicate glass thin film tube suspended in a heating bath.

Certifications: Conforms to specifications: ASTM D611, IP 2, ISO 2977, DIN 51775, FTM 791-3601.
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