DRIERITE® Absorbent, MilliporeSigma

Supplier: MilliporeSigma
DX2508-1 DX2510-3 DX2515-1 DX2519-3 DX2515-3
CADX2508-1EA 184 CAD
CADX2508-1 CADX2510-3 CADX2515-1 CADX2519-3 CADX2510-1 CADX2515-3
DRIERITE® Absorbent, MilliporeSigma
Desiccators Desiccants
Anhydrous calcium sulfate

To regenerate DRIERITE® desiccant, granules should be single layered on a metal baking sheet. Heat oven to exactly 230°C (450°F). Desiccant granules should be baked for 11/2 to 2 hours. When process is completed, the product is ready for re-use.

For drying organic liquids, air, organic gases, and other gases. DRIERITE® absorbs 6–8% of its weight in water. Non-disintegrating, non-wetting, non-poisonous, non-corrosive, and repeatedly regenerative. Neutral, stable, constant in volume, and inert except toward water. Insoluble in organic solvents. Indicating DRIERITE® contains cobaltous chloride, which provides visual indication of moisture status. Color changes from blue to pink as moisture is absorbed.
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