KleenGuard™ A20 Breathable Particle Protection Coveralls, Kimberly-Clark Professional

Supplier: Microflex
49126 49106 49112 49113 49114 49115 49125 49116 49117 49002 49003 49004 49005 49102 49103 49104 49105 49122 49124 58532 58533 58534 58535 58536 58502 58503 58504 58505 58506 58507 58537 49107 49127 58514 58515 58516 58517 58522 58523 58524 58525 58526 58527
CA10815-704CS 268.02 CAD
CA10815-704 CA10815-706 CA10815-960 CA10815-962 CA10815-964 CA10815-966 CA10815-968 CA10815-992 CA10816-000 CA10837-313 CA10837-314 CA10837-316 CA10837-318 CA10837-320 CA10837-322 CA10837-324 CA10837-326 CA10837-328 CA10837-332 CA10837-378 CA10837-380 CA10837-382 CA10837-384 CA10837-386 CA82004-872 CA82004-874 CA82004-876 CA82004-878 CA82004-880 CA82004-882 CA82007-998 CA83007-002 CA83007-004 CA94001-696 CA94001-698 CA94001-700 CA94001-702 CA94001-704 CA94001-706 CA94001-708 CA94001-710 CA94001-712 CA94001-714 10837-320
KleenGuard™ A20 Breathable Particle Protection Coveralls, Kimberly-Clark Professional
Disposable Garments
Made from a patented MICROFORCE™ barrier SMS fabric that offers barrier protection against dry particulates and light liquid sprays.

  • Seamless front provides more protection in the primary exposure areas
  • Zipper flap

The lightweight and breathable properties of the fabric make these coveralls comfortable to wear, while the strength and abrasion-resistant properties extend the use of this product. Patented Reflex™ Design is 7½ times less likely to rip out than ANSI minimums. Coveralls also provide 12% more chest room and 6% longer body length.

Certifications: NFPA 99 Compliant Antistatic Material.
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