Alloy 8 Individual Precision Analytical Weights, Ultra Class and ANSI/ASTM Classes 1 and 4, Troemner

Supplier: Troemner
7014-1 7022-0T 7029-1T 7010-0 7035-4W 7025-1W 7012-4 7019-4T 7010-0W 7017-1W 7033-1 30391417 7027-4 7021-4 7021-1 7017-1T 7031-0 7012-4W 7013-4W 80780071 7030-1 7037-0T 7027-1W 7030-1W 7023-0W 7016-0W 7030-4W 7019-1T 7034-1W 7030-1T 7020-1 7024-4T 7036-0T 7032-4W 7010-1T 7037-4T 7034-0T 7035-1T 7033-0W 7024-1W 80780065 7023-4W 7020-4T 7017-4W 7026-1T 7013-1W 7028-1 7036-1 30391395 7025-1T 7027-0 7020-4 7033-0T 7012-0T 7031-4W 7016-0T 7037-0 7014-1T 7010-4T 7034-0W 7036-1T 7034-1T 7026-4W 7034-1 7027-0W 7010-1 80780059 7029-0W 7028-4T 7014-0W 7023-1 7026-4T 7026-4 7016-0 7036-0 7024-4 7025-4 7017-0 7036-4T 7032-0 7035-4 7032-4T 7029-0T 7031-1T 7024-4W 7035-1 7028-1W 80780073 7022-1T 7012-1 7029-0 7028-0W 7019-4 7021-4T 7012-1T 7022-0W 7022-4T 7037-1 7025-0 7010-0T 7031-4 7027-1T 7018-0 7021-0 7016-1 7021-1T 7028-1T 7032-4 7024-0W 7035-4T 7016-4 7018-1T 7016-4W 7024-0 7018-0W 7033-1W 7037-0W 7025-0T 80780060 7012-0 7034-4T 7020-4W 7019-1 7020-0 7034-0 7014-4T 7020-1T 7013-0W 7034-4W 7020-0W 7021-4W 7031-1W 7035-1W 7030-0 7029-4 7028-0T 7025-4T 7022-4 80780058 7023-1W 7026-0W 80780064 7023-0T 7014-4W 7014-1W 7032-0W 7033-4T 7017-4T 7028-4 7023-4 7036-4 7018-4 7020-1W 7035-0T 7024-1T 7019-4W 7029-1 7018-1 7031-0T 7032-0T 7024-1 7023-1T 7013-0 7017-0T 7013-1 7036-1W 7036-4W 7037-1W 7025-1 7031-0W 7029-1W 7030-4T 7016-1T 7024-0T 7018-4T 7020-0T 7031-1 7027-4W 7022-4W 7032-1T 7027-0T 7026-0 7017-1 7023-4T 7036-0W 7022-1 7012-0W 7014-4 7028-0 7037-4W 7016-1W 7012-1W 7014-0 80780066 7021-0W 7035-0 7028-4W 7022-1W 7026-0T 7027-1 7033-1T 7037-1T 7019-1W 7022-0 7033-0 7025-0W 7016-4T 7023-0 7010-4W 7030-4 80780063 7032-1 7018-0T 7029-4T 7019-0T 7013-4T 7018-4W 7033-4W 7013-4 7012-4T 7030-0T 7010-1W 7026-1 7014-0T 7037-4 7013-1T 7013-0T 7035-0W 7010-4 7021-1W 7017-0W 80780072 7031-4T 7030-0W 7027-4T 7017-4 7026-1W 7034-4 7032-1W 7018-1W 7033-4 7021-0T 7029-4W 7019-0 7025-4W 7019-0W
12764-988EA 383.58 CAD
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Alloy 8 Individual Precision Analytical Weights, Ultra Class and ANSI/ASTM Classes 1 and 4, Troemner
Weights Calibration Weights
Individual weights available in Troemner UltraClass (equals or exceeds OIML Class E2 tolerances), and ANSI/ASTM Classes 1 and 4.

Fractional weights 500mg to 5mg are made of stainless steel (30mg weights are aluminum); fractional weights 3mg and below are made of aluminum.

UltraClass weights 1g to 20kg are made from Troemner Alloy 8, which is a specially austenitic stainless steel that possesses closely controlled density, extremely low magnetic permeability, good stability and resistance to corrosion and handling damage. This exclusive material has a density of 8.0 at 25ºC (controlled to ±0.1%), is essentially non-magnetic in the annealed condition, and will not transform to magnetic under any combination of temperature and cold work down to –195.5ºC (–320ºF). Class 1 and 4 weights 1g to 1kg are made from Troemner Blended Stainless Steel. Weights 2kg to 50kg are made from Type 316 stainless steel.

Certifications: Where applicable, weights are supplied with a NIST/NVLAP Weight Calibration Certificate or a Traceable Certificate.

Ordering information: For ANSI/ASTM Class 2 and Class 3 analytical weights, contact your Avantor sales representative.

Delivery information: Weights 12765-632 (30390176) and 12765-640 (30390172) are supplied without certification.
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