Histology Specialized Fixatives and Neutralizers, Epredia™


9311 5700 5701 5705 5755 5701ZF 57141 6101
CA72060-072CS 773.54 CAD
CA72060-072 CA83009-256 CA84000-020 CA84000-022 CA84000-024 CA84000-026 CA84000-028 CA84000-034 CA84000-036
Histology Specialized Fixatives and Neutralizers, Epredia™
Stains Microscopy and staining reagents

Use Epredia™ Histology Fixatives for both specialized and general techniques. Formulas developed for specific tissue types and applications.

  • Achieve brilliant cytoplasmic staining and complete dehydration
  • Achieve fixation and dehydration of specimens simultaneously with uniquely buffered alcoholic formalin fixatives
  • Patented formulations minimize over-dehydration in smaller biopsies
  • Product identification bands make the products easy to identify and distinguish from other laboratory chemicals
  • Reagents are excellent for lipid extraction allowing for increased paraffin infiltration
  • Solvents may be used for special stains
  • Reduce spills with easy-to-pour high-quality dehydrants

Enhance nuclear detail in immunohistochemistry techniques with buffered zinc formalin, obtain similar results to 10% neutral buffered formalin. Unbuffered zinc formalin acts similarly too but without mercury or buffering salts. Epredia 37% Formaldehyde can be used for both histological applications as well as for storage and preservation of tissue specimens.

Signature Series™ Pen-Fix™ is a uniquely buffered alcoholic formalin fixative. Excellent as a frozen section fixation that fixes and dehydrates tissue samples simultaneously. Performs well with fatty or thick tissue samples as the penetration rate is three times faster than 10% neutral buffered formalin.

Carson’s Modified Buffered Formalin is excellent as a general use fixative and may also be used as a fixative for electron microscopy techniques. Epredia Vytac™ is a simple, safe and economical method for disposal of both 10% buffered and unbuffered formalin; including zinc formalin. Vytac™ solution breaks down formalin into inert components neutralizing more than 99% of waste formalin collected.

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