BIOXP® 9600 NGS Kits for Genome


77461-246EA 638.32 CAD
77461-246 77461-248 77461-250 77461-252
BIOXP® 9600 NGS Kits for Genome
Nucleic Acid Reagents Next Generation Sequencing Reagents

Generate Illumina-compatible, adapter-ligated, NGS libraries for whole genome sequencing in a simple automated workflow using the BioXp 9600.

  • Input: 10 to 20 ng of genomic DNA
  • Compatible with Illumina sequencers
  • 15 minutes of hands on time
  • Compatible with BioXp 9600

The BioXp NGS library prep kit for whole genome sequencing provides the necessary reagents, when combined with customer-provided sequencing adapters, to generate Illumina-compatible NGS libraries for assessment of genomic DNA. This kit uses a streamlined, fully automated ligation-based library prep method. The input into the kit is 10 to 20 ng of purified plasmids in nuclease-free water, Tris-HCl pH 8.0, or Tris low EDTA (0.1 mM).

Delivery information: Not supplied with necessary sequencing adapters.

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