The P3 primary cell 4D-Nucleofector® X kit L is one of our five 4D-Nucleofector® Kits suited for transfecting primary cells in the 100 µl Nucleocuvette® vessel format when working with the 4D-Nucleofector® X unit.
- Benefits:
- High transfection efficiencies for primary cells
- Cells maintain functionality post transfection
- Conditions are transferable between 4D-Nucleofector® System, 96-well Shuttle® System and 384-well Nucleofector® System
This kit has been determined to be optimal for transfecting following cell types:
B cell (human)
CD34+ cell (human)
Chondrocyte (human)
DC (human)
DC (mouse), mature
ES (human), H9
ES (mouse)
Hepatocyte (human)
HMEC (human)
Keratinocyte (human)
Macrophage (human)
Monocyte (human)
Neuron (rat), brain Hi/Cx
NHBE (human)
RPE (human)
T cell (human), stim.
T cell (human), unstim.
T cell (mouse), unstim.
Transfection of cell numbers in the range of 2×10⁵ to 2×10⁷ cells.
Low throughput applications.
The kit is available in different variants for either 12 or 24 reactions.
Delivery information: CA10064-498 includes 2×0.675 ml P1 primary cell Nucleofector® solution, 2×0.15 ml supplement 1, 50 µg pmaxGFP® Vector (1 μg/μl in 10 mM Tris pH 8.0), 12×100 µl Nucleocuvette® vessel, 12×single use pipettes.
CA10064-500 includes 2.25 ml P1 Primary Cell Nucleofector® solution, 0.5 ml supplement 1, 50 µg pmaxGFP® Vector (1 μg/μl in 10 mM Tris pH 8.0), 24×100 µl Nucleocuvette® vessel, 24×single use pipettes.