Masterflex® Thermal Mass Flowmeters/Flow Transmitters for Gases, Avantor®

Supplier: MC MILLAN CO
50K-9 50D-3 50D-5 50D-8 50D-10 50D-13-S7 50K-2 50K-3 50K-4 50K-5 50K-6 50K-7 50K-8 50K-10 50D-9 50D-12-S6 50D-15-S7 50D-11-S6
MFLX32707-14EA 805.8 CAD
MFLX32707-14 MFLX32707-20 MFLX32707-22 MFLX32707-24 MFLX32707-26 MFLX32707-28 MFLX32707-30 MFLX32707-32 MFLX32707-36 MFLX32711-36 MFLX32712-44 MFLX32707-00 MFLX32707-02 MFLX32707-04 MFLX32707-06 MFLX32707-08 MFLX32707-10 MFLX32707-12 MFLX32707-16 MFLX32707-34 MFLX32711-40 MFLX32712-40 MFLX32712-52 MFLX32712-36
Masterflex® Thermal Mass Flowmeters/Flow Transmitters for Gases, Avantor®
Flow Meters
Get faster performance with miniature coil design.

  • All meters feature 0 to 5 VDC output signal for data logging or controlling other instruments

These low-cost flowmeters use thermal gas flow sensing technique that results in highly accurate readings and repeatability. All units are calibrated to air/nitrogen—call our Application Specialists for meters calibrated to other gases or gas mixtures. Meters feature a cable hub connector for a quick connection to a power supply and 0 to 5 VDC output cable; order power supplies/cables under accessories.

Flowmeters have low pressure drop across the sensor. The output signal can connect to a remote display, recorder, or any instrument that accepts a 0 to 5 VDC signal. Compact size makes it easy to carry around.

Wetted materials are anodized aluminum, 316 stainless steel, Viton® O-rings, and 316 stainless steel, and acetal fittings. Order rechargeable battery kit under Accessories.

Delivery information: Includes two compression fittings and 36" (0.9 m) cable with bub connector.
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