Chromate (Hexavalent), CHEMets Visual Kit, CHEMetrics

Supplier: CHEMetrics

K-2810 R-2810
CXK-2810EA 220.87 CAD
CXK-2810 CXR-2810
Chromate (Hexavalent), CHEMets Visual Kit, CHEMetrics
Environmental Test Kits

The CHEMets® visual colorimetric test kit turns a red-violet color in direct proportion to the hexavalent chromium concentration. Measurements are made against a color comparator. Results are expressed as ppm (mg/L) CrO4.

  • Ideal for low- to medium-range colorimetric analysis of water quality

CHEMets® test kits utilize self-filling ampules and vacuum pulls the sample up from a snap cup into the ampule when the tip is broken off. After tilting the ampule several times to mix the sample and reagent and waiting for the color to develop (usually 2 minutes or less), the analyst quantifies the result using the provided cylindrical comparator (for concentrations ≤1ppm) or flat comparator (for concentrations ≥1ppm).

The common forms of chromium are trivalent chromium, Cr(III), and hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI). In the environment, hexavalent chromium occurs mostly as chromate ion (CrO42-). Chromium salts are used in numerous industrial processes including electroplating and the manufacture of pigments and paints. Historically, chromate was used extensively as a corrosion inhibitor in open and closed cooling water systems, however alternative inhibitors have superseded chromate due to environmental and public health concerns related to Cr VI discharges.

Delivery information: Kit K-2810 comes in a plastic case and contains everything needed to perform 30 tests: Refill, Low and High Range Comparators, Acidifier Solution, 25 mL Sample cup, and instructions.

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