CrossLab Tubing for HPLC, Agilent Technologies

01018-67305 01090-87305 0890-1761 0890-1762 5022-6503 5062-2461 5062-2463 G1311-67304 G1313-87300 0890-1763 0890-1915 5042-6463 5500-1228 AL35721 AL35724 CP4105 G2258-87315 G2258-87316 R0PTF20KIT RF0110T-3 RF0110T-7 RF0112T-13 RF0112T-16 RF0112T-50 RF0112T-6 UC1535 5042-6461 AL35720 5042-6462 5043-1540 5067-4680 5185-5817 G1364-86708 G1375-87326 G2258-87300 G2258-87310 G2258-87312 G2258-87313 G2258-87314 G4280-60034 G4280-67304 RF0103T RF0110T-60 RF0111T-2 RF0111T-8
CA01018-67305EA 173.08 CAD
CA01018-67305 CA01090-87305 CA0890-1761 CA0890-1762 CA5022-6503 CA5062-2461 CA5062-2463 CAG1311-67304 CAG1313-87300 CA76514-524 CA76514-526 CAAG5042-6463 CAAG5500-1228 CAAGAL35721 CAAGAL35724 CAAGCP4105 CAAGG225887315 CAAGG225887316 CAAGR0PTF20KIT CAAGRF0110T-3 CAAGRF0110T-7 CAAGRF0112T-13 CAAGRF0112T-16 CAAGRF0112T-50 CAAGRF0112T-6 CAAGUC1535 CA5042-6461 CAAL35720 CAG5042-6462 CAAG5043-1540 CAAG5067-4680 CAAG5185-5817 CAAGG136486708 CAAGG137587326 CAAGG225887300 CAAGG225887310 CAAGG225887312 CAAGG225887313 CAAGG225887314 CAAGG428060034 CAAGG428067304 CAAGRF0103T CAAGRF0110T-60 CAAGRF0111T-2 CAAGRF0111T-8
CrossLab Tubing for HPLC, Agilent Technologies
Tubing Chromatography Tubing
A range of high-quality tubing made from PEEK, PTFE, and other materials.

  • PEEK tubing with ¹/₁₆" (1.6 mm) OD that are flexible and easy to cut to desired lengths, as well as color-coded for easy tracking
  • Tubing made of PTFE, PP, or FEP are available for special conditions
  • Available accessories include tubing cutters, ferrules, unions, adapters, and more

Agilent provides a range of high-quality tubing made from PEEK, PTFE, and other materials to ensure certain connnections in your LC system. All tubings are manufactured to the highest quality standards to protect the integrity of your results at every step of your LC flow path.
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