Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Coated Capillaries, Agilent Technologies

G1600-61219 G1600-67219 G160U-61219 G1600-60419 G1600-61419 G1600-67319 G1600-68319 G160U-61419
CAG1600-61219EA 535.93 CAD
CAG1600-61219 CAG1600-67219 CAG160U-61219 CAAGG160060419 CAAGG160061419 CAAGG160067319 CAAGG160068319 CAAGG160U61419
Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Coated Capillaries, Agilent Technologies
Electrophoresis Systems Capillary Electrophoresis Systems
PVA coated capillaries contain a permanently adsorbed layer of polyvinyl alcohol.

  • Minimizes hydrophobic and electrostatic solute/wall interactions
  • Eliminates electroosmotic flow (EOF)
  • Capillary types available in greater lengths for use in non-Agilent systems
  • PVA is also available for use with the High-Sensitivity Detection Cell
  • PVA-coated capillaries are also offered for CE/MS applications

Agilent provides a broad range of stable polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-coated capillaries over a wide pH range, from pH 2.5 to 9.5, allowing the use of a wide range of common CE buffers. The capillaries are provided with normally positioned detection window to allow tandem UV-Vis and MS detection for improved sample identification

PVA-coated capillaries contain a permanently adsorbed layer of polyvinyl alcohol. This coating minimizes hydrophobic and electrostatic solute/wall interactions and eliminates electroosmotic flow (EOF). Many proteins and amines can be analyzed without the peak tailing found with uncoated capillaries. In addition, since EOF is eliminated, cumbersome washing procedures are unnecessary and migration time reproducibility can be improved.
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