CrossLab Purge and Trap Supplies for GC

5182-0852 5188-8820 392607912 DY50573990 DY70007791 5182-0775 5182-0796 5182-0845 5182-0849 5182-0850 5182-0851 5188-1447 5188-8816 5188-8817 5188-8818 5190-2231 5190-2232 5190-2234 DY70008101
CA5182-0852EA 225.69 CAD
CA5182-0852 CA5188-8820 CAAG391895901 CAAG391895902 CAAG392607912 CAAGDY50573990 CAAGDY70007791 CAAG5182-0775 CAAG5182-0796 CAAG5182-0845 CAAG5182-0846 CAAG5182-0847 CAAG5182-0849 CAAG5182-0850 CAAG5182-0851 CAAG5188-1447 CAAG5188-8814 CAAG5188-8816 CAAG5188-8817 CAAG5188-8818 CAAG5188-8819 CAAG5190-2231 CAAG5190-2232 CAAG5190-2234 AGDY70008101
CrossLab Purge and Trap Supplies for GC
Chromatography Supplies Chromatography Spare Parts
Find the supplies you need for Teledyne Tekmar purge and trap instruments.

  • Increase sample throughput up to 100% to increase profitability of the GC system
  • Highest resolution with lowest carryover
  • Exceptional inertness throughout the flow path prevents loss of active, polar, and high-boiling compounds

Find supplies for the following Teledyne Tekmar purge and trap instrumentation. The Lumin purge and trap concentrator is the recommended sample preparation system for removing VOCs from various matrices. The AQUATek 100 Waters-only autosampler provides 100-vial automated sample preparation for the analysis of liquid samples. The Atomx automated VOC sample preparation system, is suitable for those analyzing soil and water samples. The Atomx combines the features of the purge and trap with those of an autosampler in one system as well as automating methanol extractions for high-level soils. All instruments are available for purchase directly from Agilent.
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