CrossLab SPE Cartridges, Agilent Technologies

Supplier: Agilent Technologies
Bond Elut™
14256036 102002 162022 12272004 14102081 168726 14102042 12166052B 14102083 12272004 227138 1225SAX6015G 12256120 12102131 14103002 14102042 168726 12102153 227138 12256064 12272005 14256032 14102081T 12166052B 166622 102002 12256064 14102082 14102094 14102094 1225SAX6015G 12105017 12272011 162022 12102131 102014 14102081 14256032 166622 12272001 12256092 12102153 12105017 14103002 12272011 102014 12256120 14102083 12256092 14102081T 12272001 14256036 12272005 14102082
CAAG12105017PK 205.98 CAD
AG12102131 AG14102081 AG12272011 AG12256120 AG14103002 AG12256092 AG227138 CAAG12105017 CAAG102002 CAAG1225SAX601 CAAG14256036 CAAG14102042 CAAG14256032 AG12272001 AG12105017 AG12272004 AG12272005 CAAG12166052B AG14256032 AG14102042 AG14102083 CAAG12256064 AG14102082 CAAG14102094 CAAG12272011 CAAG12102153 AG14256036 AG14102081T CAAG14103002 AG102014 AG12102153 AG12256064 CAAG14102081T CAAG227138 AG12166052B AG14102094 CAAG14102083 CAAG14102082 CAAG14102081 CAAG12272001 CAAG12272004 CAAG12272005 AG102002 CAAG166622 CAAG162022 CAAG12256092 AG1225SAX6015G CAAG12256120 AG168726 CAAG12102131 CAAG168726 CAAG102014 AG162022 AG166622
CrossLab SPE Cartridges, Agilent Technologies
Chromatography Columns
Bond Elut SPE cartridges are available in a range of chemistries, particle sizes, and bed masses.

  • Cartridges available in sizes from 1 to 150 ml and in a range of chemistries, sorbent particle sizes, and bed masses
  • Bond Elut Jr is Luer-compatible
  • Large reservoir capacity (LRC) tubes offer flexibility
  • Also available for special order requests

Bond Elut SPE cartridges range from 1 to 150 ml in a wide range of bonded silica and polymeric chemistries, sorbent particle sizes, and bed masses. The Luer-compatible Bond Elut Jr and the large reservoir capacity (LRC) tubes offer flexibility across a range of sorbent bed masses. Tabless (flangeless) versions of the straight barrel cartridges are also available.
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