CrossLab Ion Lenses for ICP-MS, Agilent Technologies

G3280-67037 G3280-67039 G8400-67001 G3280-60612 G3280-67035 G3280-67038 G3666-60302 G3666-60303 G3666-67038 G3666-67300 G3666-67400 G8400-00240 G8400-60217 G8400-67002 G8400-67003 G1833-65592 G1833-65593 G3280-01650 G3280-20628 G3280-20646 G3280-20653 G3280-60609 G3280-60613 G3280-60615 G3280-67044 G3666-20404 G3666-60402 G3666-60403 G3666-60502 G3666-60503 G3666-67044 G3666-67500 G3666-67600 G8400-60215 G8400-60216 G8400-60218 G8400-60219 G8400-67047
CAG3280-67037KT 1158.91 CAD
CAG3280-67037 CAG3280-67039 CAG8400-67001 CAAGG328060612 CAAGG328067035 CAAGG328067038 CAAGG366660302 CAAGG366660303 CAAGG366667038 CAAGG366667300 CAAGG366667400 CAAGG840000240 CAAGG840060217 CAAGG840067002 CAAGG840067003 CAAGG183365592 CAAGG183365593 CAAGG328001650 CAAGG328020628 CAAGG328020646 CAAGG328020653 CAAGG328060609 CAAGG328060613 CAAGG328060615 CAAGG328067044 CAAGG366620404 CAAGG366660402 CAAGG366660403 CAAGG366660502 CAAGG366660503 CAAGG366667044 CAAGG366667500 CAAGG366667600 CAAGG840060215 CAAGG840060216 CAAGG840060218 CAAGG840060219 CAAGG840067047
CrossLab Ion Lenses for ICP-MS, Agilent Technologies
Chromatography Supplies Chromatography Spare Parts
Replacement Omega ion extraction lenses for 7700, 7800, 7900, 8800, 8900 ICP-MS with x-lens and s-lens.

  • High transmission off-axis or Omega lens arrangement separates the positively charged ions from the photons and neutral particles
  • Routine x-lens or semiconductor, s-lens, ion extraction lenses are available as individual parts or as an assembly
  • A variety of additional lens components and supplies are available: screw and spacer sets, lens cleaning and polishing kits
  • The extraction lenses are placed just behind the skimmer cone and mounted on the skimmer base
  • They are used to extract positive ions and accelerate them to into the ORS and MS detector

Ion extraction lenses 7700, 7800, 7900, 8800, 8900 ICP-MS perform an essential function of separating the ions from the photons and residual neutral material for the lowest background signal and highest sensitivity with efficient interference removal.;Agilent uses a high transmission off-axis, Omega lens design that is tuned for optimal performance across the mass range.;Replacement Omega ion extraction lens assemblies and individual lens components for replacement and maintenance routine, x-lens, or semiconductor, s-lens, configuration.

Agilent uses a high transmission off-axis, Omega lens design that is tuned for optimal performance across the mass range. Replacement Omega ion extraction lens assemblies and individual lens components for replacement and maintenance routine, x-lens, or semiconductor, s-lens, configuration.
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