Sequencing Auxiliary Vials, Oxford Nanopore Technologies
Supplier: Avantor
Additional sequencing buffer, elution buffer, and loading beads.
These kits are recommended for users who would like to split a library across multiple flow cells, need to add more library/a new library onto a washed flow cell, or wish to top up a flow cell with additional library.
Sequencing Auxiliary Vials (EXP-AUX003) contain Sequencing Buffer (SB), Elution Buffer (EB), Library Solution (LIS) and Library Beads (LIB) with v14 flow cell priming reagents: Flow Cell Flush (FCF) and Flow Cell Tether (FCT). This product is compatible with R10.4.1 Flow Cells and all kits using Kit 14 chemistry (e.g. Ligation Sequencing Kit SQK-LSK114).
Delivery information: Kits are shipped at 2 to 8 °C in an environmentally-friendly temperature-controlled shipping box. Upon receipt, please place the product in a long-term storage location at ‒20 °C. Oxford Nanopore Technologies deem the useful life of the product to be three months from receipt by the customer.
Caution: Oxford Nanopore Technologies products are not intended for use for health assessment or to diagnose, treat, mitigate, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.
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