Diamond® Midi™ Centrifuge Tubes, 5 ml, Globe Scientific

Supplier: Globe Scientific
111580 111580RS 111580S 111580B 111580BRS 111580BS
76452-262BX 173.59 CAD
76452-262 76452-264 76452-266 76452-268 76452-270 76452-272
Diamond® Midi™ Centrifuge Tubes, 5 ml, Globe Scientific
Tubes Centrifuge Tubes
An efficient and economical alternative to 15 ml conical tubes when working with sample volumes between 2.0 and 5.0 ml.

  • Single turn threaded caps seal easily and securely
  • Graduated in 0.5 ml and 0.2 ml increments
  • Available sterile in bags or recyclable paperboard racks and non-sterile with tubes and caps packaged separately
  • Suitable for use from –80 to 121 °C for low temperature sample storage, general lab uses, or boiling procedures
  • Polypropylene (PP) with polypropylene (PP) screw cap

With the same diameter as 15 ml tubes, these shorter 5.0 ml mini centrifuge tubes:
- Reduce total cost to the lab for purchase and use
- Reduce environmental impact during production and disposal
- Require no special equipment or racks
- Reduce pipet shaft contamination since there is no need to insert the pipettor barrel into the tube to retrieve samples
- Available non-sterile or sterile and are RNase, DNase and pyrogen free
- Spin up to 25000×g when used with proper support in appropriate rotor
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