OIML Individual Calibration Weights and Calibration Weight Sets, Troemner

Supplier: Troemner
30390950 30390949 30390948 30390947 30390946 30390945 30390944 30390943 30390942 30390941 30390940 30390939 30390938 30390937 30390936 30390935 30390925 80780389 30390920 80780390
76404-540EA 603.06 CAD
76404-540 76404-542 76404-544 76404-546 76404-548 76404-550 76404-552 76404-554 76404-556 76404-558 76404-560 76404-562 76404-564 76404-566 76404-568 76404-570 76404-572 76404-574 76404-576 76404-578
OIML Individual Calibration Weights and Calibration Weight Sets, Troemner
Weights Calibration Weights
Alloy 8, high grade stainless steel calibration weights and reference standards. NIST Traceable calibration certificates in UltraClass Series and OIML E1, E2, F1, F2.

  • Range: 1 mg to 50 kg, 1 mg to 500 mg
  • Style: Cylindrical, flat, wire
  • Density: 1 g and above: 8.03 g/cm³; 500 mg to 5 mg: 7.95 g/cm³; 5 mg and below: 2.70 g/cm³

Weights and weight sets are manufactured with the finest stainless steels available, including Troemner's proprietary Alloy 8. Specification on surface finish, markings, construction, material density, and magnetic properties become more restrictive as the weight tolerances decease in order to enable the weight to maintain its tolerance over time.

Certifications: ISO/IEC 17025 Accredited Certificate.
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