MabSelect™ PrismA Protein A Chromatography Resin, Cytiva

Supplier: Cytiva

17-5498-01 17-5498-02
76237-724EA 4715.75 CAD
76237-724 76237-732
MabSelect™ PrismA Protein A Chromatography Resin, Cytiva
Protein Purification Protein Purification Resins

MabSelect™ PrismA has been improved with an optimised high-flow agarose base matrix and a genetically engineered protein A-derived ligand, allowing future demands in mAb processing to be met.

  • Enhanced dynamic binding capacity allows high mass throughput of processed mAb per resin volume unit
  • Excellent alkaline stability enables efficient cleaning and sanitisation using 0.5 to1.0 M NaOH for improved process economy, bioburden, control and robustness
  • Covered by a comprehensive security of supply program, including dual sources of the agarose base matrix and protein A ligand

MabSelect™ PrismA builds on the proven track record of MabSelect™ and MabSelect™ SuRe™ resins in commercial mAb production.

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