sparQ PureMag Beads, Quantabio

Supplier: Quantabio

95196-450 95196-060 95196-005 95196-450 95196-060 95196-005
76302-830EA 7851.53 CAD
76302-830 76302-832 76302-834 CA76302-830 CA76302-832 CA76302-834
sparQ PureMag Beads, Quantabio
Nucleic Acid Reagents Next Generation Sequencing Reagents

sparQ PureMag Beads is a fast and reliable nucleic acid purification system for reaction cleanup and size selection in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) workflows. Based on the reversible nucleic acid-binding properties of magnetic beads; this product can be used to quickly remove primers, primer-dimers, unincorporated nucleotides, salts, adapters and adapter-dimers from NGS library prep reactions to improve downstream sequencing performance. sparQ PureMag Beads allows excellent recovery of fragments greater than 100 bp without centrifugation or filtration. Consistent and reliable size selection can be achieved by simply adjusting the beads to sample ratio. This product is designed for both manual and automated processing, allowing seamless integration into existing workflows.

  • High recovery of DNA fragments greater than 100 bp
  • Efficient removal of unwanted components from adapter ligation and PCR reactions
  • Consistent single or double-sided size selection
  • Seamless integration into existing NGS workflows with little or no protocol change
  • Easy-to-use and compatible with manual processing or automated liquid handling robots
  • Cost effective alternative to AMPure® XP with equivalent performance

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