Airfree® Schlenk Solvent Distillation Apparatus, Chemglass

Supplier: Chemglass
AF-0720-02 AF-0720-04
80060-168EA 3656.11 CAD
80060-168 80060-172
Airfree® Schlenk Solvent Distillation Apparatus, Chemglass
Distillation Components Distillation Sets
Apparatus designed for use in distillation of material such as THF or ether.

  • Storage reservoir has a capacity of 125 ml or 500 ml
  • 0 to 4 mm Chem-Vac™ Chem-Cap® valves ensure grease-free, leakproof seals
  • Top outer joint is a 24/40 while the uptake tube is a 24/40 inner joint

Extremely efficient cold finger coil condenser has a section that is immersed into the distillate. This assures that the distillate is at room temperature instead of the distillation temperature.

Side vapor tube (A) is fitted with a 14/20 standard taper outer joint, to be used with a CG-1042-14 thermometer adapter which fits a plain stem thermometer. A short (50 mm) vigreux section is provided to enhance separation. Syringe access port (B) incorporates a 4 mm PTFE stopcock with a 14/20 outer joint for use with CG-3022 septum stopper, permitting repeated syringe punctures or changes of the septum without breaching the integrity of the solvent.

Lower 3-way valve (C) allows for solvent return to flask, take-off or storage in graduated reservoir. Delivery adapter is fitted with a 12/5 spherical joint for flexibility and a 0 to 4 mm Chem-Vac™ Chem-Cap® valve (D) for purging of the receiving vessel.

Delivery information: Delivery adapter has a 14/20 inner joint and is supplied with the complete apparatus along with a stainless steel pinch clamp.
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