Anti-TGM2 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (CF680R) [clone: TGM2/419]

Supplier: Biotium

BNC810419-100 BNC810419-500
75976-596EA 357.68 CAD
75976-596 75976-598
Anti-TGM2 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody (CF680R) [clone: TGM2/419]
This antibody recognizes a 77-85 kDa protein, identified as cellular or tissue transglutaminase II (TGase II). Transglutaminases are enzymes that catalyze the crosslinking of proteins by epsilon-gamma glutamyl lysine isopeptide bonds. While the primary structure of transglutaminases is not conserved, they all have the same amino acid sequence at their active sites and their activity is calcium-dependent. The protein encoded by this gene acts as a monomer, is induced by retinoic acid, and appears to be involved in apoptosis. Finally, the encoded protein is the autoantigen implicated in celiacMore Product Information
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