Anti-UPK3A Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody (CF594) [clone: Rabbit PAb]

Supplier: Biotium

BNC940409-100 BNC940409-500
75981-008EA 325.12 CAD
75981-008 75981-010
Anti-UPK3A Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody (CF594) [clone: Rabbit PAb]
Uroplakin-3A (UPK3A) is a component of the asymmetric unit membrane (AUM). It is a highly specialized bio-membrane made by terminally differentiated urothelial cells. The protein may play an important role in AUM-cytoskeleton interaction in terminally differentiated urothelial cells. UPK3A also contributes to the formation of urothelial glycocalyx, which may play an important role in preventing bacterial adherence through FimH bacterial protein binding leading to bladder infection. UPK3A has been shown as a helpful marker for the detection of bladder cancer.

CF® dyes are Biotium's next-generation fluorescent dyes. CF®594 is a deep red fluorescent dye (Ex/Em 593/614 nm). It yields the brightest conjugates among spectrally similar dyes, and has excellent photostability.

Type: Primary
Antigen: UPK3A
Clonality: Polyclonal
Clone: Clone Rabbit PAb
Conjugation: CF594
Host: Rabbit
Isotype: IgG
Reactivity: Human
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