Pierce™ NeutrAvidin™ Protein, Thermo Scientific

Supplier: Thermo Scientific

31001 31002 31006 31007
CAPI31001EA 819.15 CAD
CAPI31001 CAPI31002 CAPI31006 CAPI31007
Pierce™ NeutrAvidin™ Protein, Thermo Scientific
Protein Purification Protein Purification Reagents

Pierce™ NeutrAvidin™ Protein is a specially-prepared form of avidin biotin-binding protein that decreases background in biotin-binding.

  • Near-neutral isoelectric point - pI = 6.3
  • Nearly devoid of glycosylation - decreased possibility of lectin binding compared to native avidin
  • No RYD recognition sequence - no known off-target binding domains like streptavidin
  • Less expensive than streptavidin

NeutrAvidin Protein is deglycosylated native avidin from egg whites. Removal of the excess carbohydrate by an exclusive process yields a protein with a more neutral isoelectric point and less nonspecific binding properties. Purified NeutrAvidin Protein provides exceptional performance in western blot, ELISA, and IHC applications that require biotin-binding probes. Assay specificity, sensitivity, and signal-to-noise ratios with this protein are generally equivalent or better than with the significantly more expensive streptavidin. The specific activity for biotin-binding is approximately 14 µg/mg of protein, which is near the theoretical maximum activity.

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