MPure™ Viral/Pathogen Nucleic Acids Extraction Kit B, MP Biomedicals


117022130 117022130
10204-742EA 1019.45 CAD
10204-742 CA76046-210
MPure™ Viral/Pathogen Nucleic Acids Extraction Kit B, MP Biomedicals
Nucleic Acid Reagents Nucleic Acid Purification Kits and Reagents

MPure Viral/Pathogen Nucleic Acids Extraction Kit B is used with the MPure 12 instrument for extraction of viral and bacterial DNA/RNA from Viral, bacterial and swab samples (cell-rich samples).

  • Extraction of viral and bacterial DNA/RNA
  • Completely automated purification protocol
  • Use with MPure-12 System
  • Can be run in as little as 55 minutes
  • Extracted Nucleic Acids can be used in downstream applications

MPure™ Viral/Pathogen Nucleic Acids Extraction Kit B is used with MPure-12™ instrument for extraction of viral and bacterial DNA/RNA from bacterial culture, swab samples and environmental samples. Starting samples include clinical specimens such as Sputum, Bronchoalveolar lavage, cell-free body fluids, urine, respiratory specimens, bacterial culture either solid or in suspension and environmental samples such as soil, water and feces. The kit contains everything needed for sample preparation. However, for tough samples (soil or feces), sample preparation using FastPrep™ Instruments and Lysing Matrix Tubes can greatly increase yields as well as shorten procesing times.

Sample Type: Swab, Bacterial, Viral
Sample Volume: Bacteria Pellet: 100-200 µl /Up to 109 bacteria (about OD600 = 3); Bacterial Colony: 100-200 µl /1-3 colony; Swab samples: 100-200 µl liquid transport media

Packaging: Kit contains Proteinase K: 40 µl, Lysis Buffer 2: 720 µl, Binding Buffer 1: 720 µl, Magnetic Bead Solution: 800 µl, Washing Buffer 1: 1000 µl, Washing Buffer 2: 1000 µl, Washing Buffer 3: 1000 µl, Elution Buffer 1: 1000 µl, Elution Buffer 2 : 1000 µl, BL2 Buffer = 400 µl

Caution: Kit should be stored at room temperature (15-25°C). Do not freeze the reagent cartridges. The Kits are stable for 12 months under these conditions. Store the purified Nucleic acids at 4°C (short- term) or aliquot and store at -70°C (long-term) before perform the downstream analysis.

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