Eppendorf® DNA LoBind Plates

Supplier: Eppendorf
951032808 951033201 951032000 951032409 951031208 951031607 951032883 951032085 0030603303
CA89085-634CS 334.09 CAD
CA89085-634 CA89085-636 CA89085-650 CA89085-652 CA89085-666 CA89085-668 CA89087-608 CA89087-640 75874-656
Eppendorf® DNA LoBind Plates
Microplates Deep Well Microplates
DNA LoBind Plates maximize sample recovery of nucleic acids by significantly reducing sample-to-surface binding. These plates are the ideal solution for sample preparation and long-term storage.

  • Eppendorf LoBind material ensures optimized sample recovery for improved assay results
  • Free of surface coating (e.g. silicone) to minimize the risk of sample interference
  • Lot-certified PCR clean purity grade: free of human DNA, DNase, RNase and PCR inhibitors
  • High-contrast Unique OptiTrack® matrix: up to 30% faster sample identification and fewer pipetting errors
  • RecoverMax® well design: Optimized well geometry for minimal remaining/dead volume and excellent mixing properties
  • Raised well rims and a smooth surface ensure reliable sealing

Maximize recovery of nucleic acids can be achieved with DNA LoBind® plates. A combination of special manufacturing technologies and selected polypropylene batches ensure nearly 100 % recovery of DNA/RNA molecules-without surface coating to eliminate the risk of sample contamination. This makes Eppendorf LoBind Plates ideal for applications where sample recovery is key - such as the preparation of long-term storage nucleic acids in forensic, microarrays and NGS applications.

Purity grade: PCR Clean
Material: Polypropylene (PP)
Autoclavable: 121 °C, 20 min
Centrifugation stability: 6000×g
Well color: Clear
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