innuPREP Micro RNA Kit , Analytik Jena

Supplier: Analytik Jena CA

845-KS-2030050 845-KS-2030250
CA10755-794EA 1550.75 CAD
CA10755-794 CA10755-796
innuPREP Micro RNA Kit , Analytik Jena
Nucleic Acid Reagents Nucleic Acid Purification Kits and Reagents

The innuPREP Micro RNA Kit allows researchers to isolate small RNA molecules and achieve high yields.

  • Fast, efficient isolation of small RNA molecules, such as mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, snRNA, miRNA, siRNA
  • Optimized binding buffer system for recovering large amounts of small RNA molecules and total RNA
  • Selective removal of genomic DNA prevents DNase I digestion
  • Easy to use; no toxic β-mercaptoethanol

The innuPREP Micro RNA Kit allows researchers to isolate small RNA molecules and achieve high yields. The optimized binding buffer system makes it possible to achieve high rates of recovery for small RNA molecules such as mRNA, tRNA, rRNA and snRNA. The first step utilizes well-established spin filter column technology to selectively remove genomic DNA; the RNA is then bound, washed and finally removed from the filter membrane using RNase-free water. Users have the flexibility to adjust the elution volume within a range of 30µl to 80µl. Also, the extraction chemistry (DC technology) renders the use of highly toxic β-mercaptoethanol unnecessary for isolating RNA.

Starting material: Eukaryotic cells (max. 5 × 10^6); Tissue samples (max. 20 mg); Gram+ and gram– bacteria (max. 1 × 10^9); Biopsies
Column binding capacity: approx. 100µg RNA
Average purity: 1.8 – 2.1
Extraction time: Approx. 15 – 40 minutes
Average yield: Depending on the type and quantity of the starting material, pp to 100 µg RNA; High recovery rate for small RNA molecules

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