ETP Electron Multipliers for Mass Spectrometry, Restek

Supplier: Avantor
23074 23075
10058-852EA 2788.98 CAD
10058-852 10058-854 10803-308
ETP Electron Multipliers for Mass Spectrometry, Restek
Chromatography Detectors
The electron multipliers manufactured by ETP use a proprietary dynode material that has a number of properties that make it very suitable for use in an electron multiplier.

  • Increased surface area for enhanced sensitivity and extended operational life
  • Optimized ion and electronic optics for maximum performance

It has very high secondary electron emission, which allows exceptional gain to be achieved from each dynode. This material is also very stable in air. In fact, an ETP multiplier can be stored for years before being used. As a direct result of the high stability of the active materials used in ETP multipliers, they come with a 2-year shelf life warranty (stored in original sealed package). Many testing laboratories take advantage of this long shelf life by keeping a replacement ETP multiplier on hand, ready for immediate installation. This keeps instrument downtime to a minimum. For a typical ETP electron multiplier for GC-MS, the total active dynode surface area is ~1,000 mm2. This can be compared to a standard continuous dynode multiplier that has a total channel surface area of only around 160 mm2 (for a channel with 1 mm diameter and 50 mm length). This increased surface area spreads out the workload of the electron multiplication process over a larger area, effectively slowing the aging process and improving operating life and gain stability.

Ordering information: Note: The electron multipliers have been specifically developed to retrofit the original manufacturer's equipment. The detector incorporates a modular design to facilitate ease of replacement and additional innovations intended to enhance performance. First-time installation requires a mount that includes the mechanical housing. After initial installation, only the replacement electron multiplier is required.
†This unit is designed for use in the 5975, 5973 GC, and the LC-MSD (not for 5975C Triple Axis Detector).
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