Cylinders, Natural, Narrow Mouth, HDPE, C&G Containers

Supplier: C&G Containers
LPY004900300 LPY008200312 LPY008900300 LPY008900302 LPY016200310 LPY016200312 LPY016900300 LPY032200310 LPY032900300
71001-178CS 802.26 CAD
71001-178 71001-180 71001-182 71001-186 71001-188 71001-192 71001-194 71001-200 71001-202 71001-208 71001-210 71001-216 71001-218 71001-224 71001-228 71001-230
Cylinders, Natural, Narrow Mouth, HDPE, C&G Containers
Bottles Water Sampling Bottles
Bottles are made up of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) which is used for the collection of aqueous media for testing metals and a variety of inorganic parameters, including alkalinity, anions, acidity, cyanide, sulfate, and hardness

  • Container measurements and capacity 'contain' volumes may vary

A lot certificate of analysis is generated with the analytical results obtained, including the concentration reporting limits and units of measurement, for Pre-cleaned and Certified products. This certificate of analysis is included in each product case.

Secondary uses for these containers include containment and archiving.

Certifications: ASTM Type I and National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Certified.

Ordering information: Pre-cleaned and Certified products contain the Certificate of Analysis and Cleaning Protocol Form in the product case.
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