Juice Bottles, Natural, Narrow Mouth, HDPE, C&G Containers

Supplier: C&G Containers
LPJ008900000 LPJ016900000 LPJ032900000 LPJ032900600
71000-990CS 1028.73 CAD
71000-990 71000-994 71000-998 71001-000 71001-002
Juice Bottles, Natural, Narrow Mouth, HDPE, C&G Containers
Bottles Plastic Bottles
These plastic bottles are used for the collection of aqueous media for testing metals and a variety of inorganic parameters, including alkalinity, anions, acidity, cyanide, sulfate, and hardness.

Pre-cleaned and certified products contain the certificate of analysis and cleaning protocol form in the product case.

A lot certificate of analysis is generated with the analytical results obtained, including the concentration reporting limits and units of measurement, for pre-cleaned and certified products.

This traceable lot of high density polyethylene (HDPE) containers is pre-cleaned with the corresponding closed-top polypropylene cap and polyethylene foam liner. Assemblies are pre-cleaned with ASTM Type I deionized water, a solution of Trace Grade Nitric Acid, followed with ASTM Type I deionized rinse (Cleaning Protocol 'A'). They are then heated to over 250 °F until dry. Representative processed containers of each traceable lot are tested by a National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program certified Laboratory. Wash protocol for these bottles is A1 (Nitric acid wash). They are also offered as not processed, L3 (no wash, bottle with cap attached).

Not all analytical parameters are included on the certificate of analysis. Please refer to the certificate of analysis for certified analytes and corresponding reporting limits. Secondary uses for these containers include containment and archiving. Please refer to the applicable Certificate of Analysis for certified analytes and corresponding reporting limits.

Ordering information: Container measurements and capacity 'contain' volumes may vary.
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