Tacta® Single Channel Mechanical Pipettes, Sartorius

Supplier: Sartorius
LH-729050 LH-729060 LH-729070 LH-729010 LH-729020 LH-729030 LH-729080 LH-729090 LH-729672 LH-729673 LH-729674 LH-729675 LH-729676 LH-729677 LH-729670 LH-729671 LH-729672 LH-729673 LH-729674 LH-729675 LH-729676 LH-729677 LH-729670 LH-729671
CA10835-922EA 671.03 CAD
CA10835-922 CA10835-924 CA10835-926 CA10835-928 CA10835-930 CA10835-932 CA10835-934 CA10835-936 75845-026 75845-028 75845-030 75845-032 75845-034 75845-036 75845-106 75845-108 CA75845-026 CA75845-028 CA75845-030 CA75845-032 CA75845-034 CA75845-036 CA75845-106 CA75845-108
Tacta® Single Channel Mechanical Pipettes, Sartorius
Pipettes Micropipettes
Tacta® is a premium mechanical pipette featuring superb comfort and reliability. Tacta® makes pipetting effortless and safe, while producing accurate and reliable results time after time. Made from carefully selected materials, with each component designed to meet the highest standards.

  • Comfortable, ergonomically designed handle
  • Low pipetting and tip ejection forces reduce the risk of Work Related Upper Limb Disorder (WRULD)
  • Unique Sartorius Optilock system provides flexibility for volume adjustment and locking
  • Controlled and smooth tip ejection
  • Calibration adjustment to provide accurate results for various liquid types
  • Easy to clean, with only three parts to disassemble
  • Reliable results, even over lengthy pipetting periods

The forces needed for a pipetting cycle, from tip attachment to pipetting and finally tip ejection, are exceptionally low with Tacta®, protecting users from WRULD.

The clever design of the Tacta® requires only three parts to be disassembled for cleaning, significantly shortening the disassembly time while simplifying cleaning and routine maintenance. No tools are required for disassembly. Tacta® pipettes can also be steam sterilized or autoclaved as is, without disassembly.

The Optiload feature, with spring-loaded tip cones in all models, secures tip loading with perfect sealing and minimal force. Consequently, Optiload also ensures light tip ejection to protect the user's hand. The light tip ejection is further enhanced by Sartorius Optiject, the soft, levered tip ejection feature that lets the tip detach in a smooth, controlled way with little force. Large, easy to read 4-digit display is standard on all models. Easy calibration adjustment ensures accurate results with a variety of liquids. An Optilock feature prevents accidental volume changes during pipetting procedures.
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