LDPE Cubitainers (Collapsible Containers), Natural, C&G Containers

Supplier: C&G Containers
LPB004200000 LPC032200012 LPC032900000 LPC032900002 LPC128200012 LPC128400012 LPC128900000 LPC128900002 LPC320200010 LPC320200013 LPC320400013 LPC320900000 LPC320900003 LPC640200011 LPC640400010 LPC640400011 LPC640900001
71000-908CS 1162.94 CAD
71000-908 71000-942 71000-944 71000-948 71000-950 71000-954 71000-956 71000-958 71000-960 71000-962 71000-964 71000-966 71000-968 71000-970 71000-972 71000-974 71000-978 71000-980 71000-982 71000-986 89137-144
LDPE Cubitainers (Collapsible Containers), Natural, C&G Containers
Bottles Water Sampling Bottles
These plastic containers are cleaned by Protocol 'A', and are used primarily for grab and compositing of aqueous samples for testing metals and inorganic analytes.

Pre-cleaned and Certified products contain the Certificate of Analysis and Cleaning Protocol Form in the product case.

A lot certificate of analysis is generated with the analytical results obtained, including the concentration reporting limits and units of measurement, for Pre-cleaned and Certified products. This certificate of analysis is included in each product case.

Wash protocols for these bottles include; A1 (Nitric acid wash), B1 (Deionized water wash), C1 (Hydrochloric acid wash), and L3 (no wash).

Primary uses of the containers cleaned by Protocol 'B' include Grab and compositing of aqueous samples for bio-assay studies, and may also include field parameters such as conductivity, pH, and dissolved oxygen. Not all analytical parameters are included on the Certificate of Analysis. Please refer to the Certificate of Analysis for the required Cleaning Protocol for certified analytes and corresponding reporting limits. Secondary uses include containment and archiving. All cubitainers offer good impact strength, stress crack resistance, and chemical resistance.

Ordering information: Container measurements and capacity 'contain' volumes may vary.
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