TC Sarot Needle Holder, OR Grade, Sklar

Supplier: Sklar
21-8036 21-8037
89023-368EA 700.81 CAD
89023-368 89023-370
TC Sarot Needle Holder, OR Grade, Sklar
TC Sarot Needle Holder is used for approximation suturing, often in cardiovascular procedures.

It is a ratcheted, finger ring instrument that is available in long and short lengths

Censitrac Ready products are industry standard and constructed of stainless steel. Latex-free.

The shanks curve inward slightly near the finger rings, then extend straight out to short jaws with cross-serrated tungsten carbide tips. The cross-serrated surface ensrues a non-slip hold on the needle while the ratcheted locking mechanism provides additional security of the hold. Sklar permanently bonds TC inserts to the instrument, which maximizes control and precision.

Ordering information: Censitrac instruments are custom barcoded to reflect the facility. This is unique customization. The initial order for the facility can take 14 to 30 days, subsequent orders can take less time.

Caution: Customers must have a Censitrac Site ID to purchase Censitrac instruments.
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